Vue.js – Introduction

Hey guys πŸ‘‹πŸ»,
In this post, I will be starting with a new series and it is on Vue.js. So in this first post, let us talk cover the Introduction to Vue.js

For this post we will first understand Propsβœ” What is Vue.js ?βœ” How to Get Started ?

βœ” Declarative Rendering

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript Frontend Framework for building modern, sleek and performant user interfaces. It is a very popular framework for building frontend applications just like Angular and React.js

How to get started ?

You can use Vue.js for building small widgets for your multi-page applications. For this you just need the CDN. For more complex applications, use the Vue CLI

Declarative Rendering

Vue.js provides a reactivity system that allows us to render content in a declarative manner right within the template using the mustache {{}} syntax.

Let us define the script where we house all our business logic for the component.

So this was all for the introduction. This is how we can create a basic Vue.js 3 application. We made the app reactive by connecting the data and the DOM.

Thanks for reading.
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