Web Development

React.js – How to use Refs in React.js

React.js – How to use Refs in React.js

Hey guys 👋🏻,In this article, let us cover the topic of How to use Refs in React.js Let us investigate why React.js, a library that keeps your code away from DOM manipulation, keeps its doors open for you to access. React rethinks a view as a result of a state of a component. It provides JSX,…

(2021) – Web Developer Full Course : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js and MongoDB

I recently started to create a Full Web Developer Course on my YouTube Channel and recently finished with the HTML and the CSS Section of this FREE course. More videos will be up on upload. HTML Section CSS Section JavaScript Section This section covers the basics of JavaScript along with the modern features that the…

✨Top 5 resources to learn Vue.js [in no particular order]

Hey everyone 👋🏻, In this article, I will be mentioning the top 5 resources that I highly recommend if you want to learn Vue.js. PS : I am not an affiliate of any of these resources/courses. These are just some of my personal recommendations if you are looking to learn Vue. Introduction Vue is a…

Web Dev Made Easy

Hey everyone 👋🏻, In this article, I will tell you about a website using which you can use as a resource for learning Web Development. So the website name is this : web.dev https://web.dev Now some of the featured courses on their website are : 1. Learn Responsive Design This course takes you on a…

Top 10 Tools for Web Design

Are you looking for magic tools to ease out your design process ? Well, your search ends here. In this article, I am going to present you 10 tools that are a MUST to ease out your design process and make your overall workflow super efficient. With me ? Amazing. Here we go. The first tool is:…

Best FREE resources for learning ES6

Hey everyone 👋🏻, In this article, I will share some of the BEST FREE resources for learning ES6 along with the links to those articles. ES6 let – https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/let const – https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/const Variables and Scoping in ES6 –http://2ality.com/2015/02/es6-scoping.html Template Literals – https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals Arrow Function Expressions – https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/Arrow_functions Arrow Functions VS Normal Functions – http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_arrow-functions.html#sec_arrow-func-vs-normal-func for-of loop – https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/for…of default parameters – Using Default Parameters in ES6 named…

New FULL Web Developer Course on YouTube

I decided to create a full Web Developer Course that will cover all the technologies that you need to kickstart your Full Stack Developer Journey. No bullshit, everything practical and relevant will be covered. We will delve into following topics – Check out the first video of this series where we cover the introduction to…

JavaScript methods for finding elements

Hey guys, Welcome back to a new article ! In this article, we will learn about different JavaScript methods that we can make use of for finding elements in an array. Arrays, as we know, is a data structure that is one of the key building blocks that we make use of for building data-based…

Top Web Development Tools in 2022

The demand for web developers is increasing exponentially as new, optimal and efficient ways are popping up for creating websites. To accelerate the pace at which websites are created and at the same time ensuring that the websites that we create are progressive, more and more tools are coming up. With improved technologies and modern…

Rendering Dynamic Content and Template Engines

Hey everyone 👋🏻, In this article, let us learn about how we can render dynamic content to the client (which is not static). Let us first touch briefly on what a template engine is because rendering dynamic content is closely related to what a template engine will help us in achieving. Template Engines – a…

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