When to use the useRef hook ?

Hey everyone 👋🏻,

In this article, let us learn about a very special React Hook called as the useRef hook and understand how and when to use it.

What is the useRef hook ?

useRef hook is something that I briefly discussed in one of my articles where I described useRef hook as something equivalent to

Removing the state updating function from the useState, so basically just extracting the piece of state and take away the ability of state updation. This is something that will be equivalent to the useRef hook. I also discussed in that article that both the ref and state values persists across renders, so it is not the case that on every subsequent re-render they get set back to some default. So do make a note of the above points.

useRef is a React Hook which accepts a single argument as the initial default value and gives us something called as a ref. A ref is kind of an object that has a property called as current.

Let us see an example :

function SomeComponent() { 

    const usernameRef = React.useRef(''); 
    const handleSomething = () => { 
       usernameRef.current = someOtherValue; 

Now the things to note here is that usernameRef.current is used to access the value of the ref and if we want to update the ref value, then we can simply do so by setting usernameRef.current to a value of our choice.

To know more about refs, check my existing article on useRef hook. Here is the link for the same :



In the above article, I have also taken some examples where I have demonstrated the usage of the useRef hook, we have discussed :

1. Ref Example – 1 (An Interval Timer)
2. Ref Example – 2 (Working with DOM using refs)
3. The third thing that we discussed in that article was :

useRef just like useState persists a value across renders but unlike useState it does not trigger a re-render of the component.

So in essence,

useRef = useState – state updating function

If you don’t know about the useState, no worries. You can learn about the same in this article :


Let’s sum up what we learnt :

A ref is a plain JavaScript Object
{ current: }

If you want to create a ref with the current value as null, then you can also make use of the createRef method,

This gives us :
{ current: null }

Next, useRef(someInitialValue) also gives us a ref { current: someInitialValue }. The interesting thing about useRef is that it memoizes this ref so that it stays persistent across multiple renders of the component.

Another point to make a note of is that :

useRef(null) is basically equivalent to useState(React.createRef())[0]
But this kind of abuses the functionality.

Lastly, we learnt that useState causes a re-render in contrast to useRef. The state and the ref values (both) persist across re-renders.

So this is it for this article. Thanks for reading.

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