Creating Complex Animations using CSS Keyframes [video]
In this video, we will learn how we can create complex animations using CSS Keyframes. We will make use of the @keyframes CSS rule to define the percentage of time through a timing sequence. Follow me on:👉 Twitter:👉 Instagram:
Memoizing with React.useMemo
Hey everyone 👋🏻, In this article, let us learn about a very special React Hook called as the useMemo hook and understand how and when to use it. What is the useMemo hook ? useMemo is a React Hook that was introduced to memoize expensive computations. Let us understand some basics about this. In order…
Literals, Variables and Constants in C++
In this tutorial, let us learn about variables, literals, and constants in C++ with help of some examples. So let us learn first what a variable is in C++. C++ Variables In programming, a variable is defined as a container that is used to store data. So it is used to store some information that…
✨Top resources to learn React.js [in no particular order]
Hey everyone 👋🏻, I recently wrote an article where I mentioned about React Projects Every Beginner Should Try : In this article, I will be mentioning the top 5 resources that I highly recommend if you want to learn React.js. PS : I am not an affiliate of any of these resources/courses. These are just some of…
Arrow Functions vs Normal Functions
Hey everyone 👋🏻, In this article, let us understand the differences between Arrow Functions and Normal Functions. Arrow Functions vs Normal Functions We know that we can define JavaScript functions in many ways: The first way is by making use of the function keyword. So as an example, consider this piece of code : function greet(name) { return…
Arrow Functions – When and When not to use them ?
Hey everyone 👋🏻, In this article, let us understand When and when not should we use arrow functions. Arrow Functions With ES6, JavaScript has evolved a lot because of the customizations that the new standard brings to the language. It has immensely improved our development experienced with the introduction of Next Generation JavaScript features. One of…
What, Why and How to Validate ?
Hey guys 👋🏻, In this article, let us learn about validation in case of application and learn about What, Why and How to Validate ?. What, Why and How to Validate ? To ensure that the data that you work with is the data in correct format, you need validation for it. Let us answer…
My Top 3 Server Side Technologies. What are yours ?
Hey guys 👋🏻, In this article, I will unveil My Top 3 Server Side Technologies that I work with. Node.js Node.js is a JavaScript Runtime for building scalable network applications. It is blazing fast and it is best to use when we have large number of concurrent connections active at a given point of time…
Understanding Primitives and Reference Types in JavaScript
Hey guys 👋🏻, In this article, let us cover the topic of Understanding Primitives and Reference Types in JavaScript. Primitive value is stored directly in the location that the variable accesses. And the Reference values are objects that are stored in the heap. Reference value stored in the variable location is a pointer to a location…